Thursday, April 5, 2012


In lieu of a blog entry on MARK (which will resume next week), I want to share an excerpt from Philip Yancey’s The Jesus I Never Knew as we approach Easter – the victory of Christ over death. Yancey is one of my favorite authors, who often will leave questions unanswered – even though the subject matter is thoroughly explored – which I appreciate.

As I began reflection during Holy Week, this particular section about “scars” from Yancey’s book resonated with me. Consider what Yancey has written and the “new start” we will have.

“One detail in the Easter stories has always intrigued me: Why did Jesus keep the scars from his crucifixion? Presumably he could have had any resurrected body he wanted, yet he chose one identifiable mainly by scars that could be seen and touched. Why?

I believe the story of Easter would be incomplete without those scars on the hands, the feet, and the side of Jesus. When human beings fantasize, we dream of pearly straight teeth and wrinkle-free skin and sexy ideal shapes. We dream of an unnatural state: the perfect body. But for Jesus, being confined in a skeleton and human skin was the unnatural state. The scars are, to him, an emblem of life on our planet, a permanent reminder of those days of confinement and suffering.

I take hope in Jesus’ scars. From the perspective of heaven, they represent the most horrible event that has ever happened in the history of the universe. Even that event, though – the crucifixion – Easter turned into a memory. Because of Easter, I can hope that the tears we shed, the blows we receive, the emotional pain, the heartache over lost friends and loved ones, all these will become memories, like Jesus’ scars. Scars never completely go away, but neither do they hurt any longer. We will have re-created bodies, a re-created heaven and earth. We will have a new start, an Easter start.” [i]

[i] The Jesus I Never Knew, Yancey, p. 219

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